
I study how people respond to their social contexts (e.g., social relationships, job demands, peer compensation) as they work to achieve their goals. I am also highly interested in research methods, particularly those involving meta-analysis and social network analysis.

Download my CV here.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Ferguson, A. & Downes, P. E. (in press). Where are all the low-risk R&Rs? Group & Organization Management.
  2. Ferguson, A., Brymer, R., Downes, P. E., & Stoverink, A. (2024). Relieving the pressure: Team familiarity attenuates external conformity pressure on team member decisions. Journal of Management, 50, 1836-1864.
  3. Downes, P. E., Harris, T. B., & Allen, D. A. (2024). Getting from Valid to Useful: End User Modifiability and Human Capital Analytics Implementation in Selection. Human Resource Management.
  4. Li, P., Qu, Y., Li, M., Downes, P. E., & Want, G. (2024). The effects of relational human resource management: A moderated mediation model of positive affective climate and collective occupational calling. Human Resource Management, 63, 673-689.
  5. Downes, P. E., & Lee, E. S. (2022). A relational view of shiftwork: Co-scheduling with higher performers. Human Resource Management, 62 (4), 429-443.
  6. Downes, P. E., Gonzalez‐Mulé, E., Seong, J. Y., & Park, W. W. (2021). To collaborate or not? The moderating effects of team conflict on performance‐prove goal orientation, collaboration, and team performance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94 (3), 568-590.
  7. Downes, P. E., Reeves, C. J., McCormick, B., Boswell, W. R., & Butts, M. (2021). Incorporating job demand variability into job demands theory: A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 47(6), 1630-1656.
  8. Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., Gabriel, A., & Downes, P. E. (2021). Office chit-chat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work. Academy of Management Journal, 64(5), 1445-1471.
  9. Downes, P. E., Crawford, E. R., Seibert, S. E., Stoverink, A. C., Campbell, E. M. (2020). Referents or role models? The self-efficacy and job performance effects of perceiving higher performing peers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(3) 422-438.
  10. McCormick, B., Reeves, C. J., Downes, P. E., Li, N., & Ilies, R. (2020). Scientific contributions of within-person research in management: Making the juice worth the squeeze. Journal of Management, 46(2), 321-350.
  11. Yu, J., Downes, P. E., Carter, K., & O’Boyle, E. H. (2018). The heterogeneity problem in meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) revisited: A reply to Cheung. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (7), 804-811.
  12. Yu, J.*, Downes, P. E.*, Carter, K., & O’Boyle, E. H. (2016). The Problem of Effect Size Heterogeneity in Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10), 1457-1473. *equal contribution
  13. Downes, P.E., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Judge, T. A., & Darnold, T. C. (2017). Motivational mechanisms of self-concordance theory: Goal-specific efficacy and person-organizationJournal of Business and Psychology, 32, 197-215.
  14. Seibert, S. E., Kacmar, K. M., Kraimer, M. L., Downes, P. E., & Noble, D. (2017). The role of research strategies and professional networks in management scholars’ productivity. Journal of Management, 43(4), 1103-1130.
  15. Downes, P. E., & Choi, D. (2014). Employee reactions to pay dispersion: A typology of existing research. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 53-66.


  1. Multinetwork is an R package for analyzing social networks of groups and teams. Download multinetwork here: multinetwork_0.14.tar.
  2. Investing in Human Capital is an instructional simulation for advanced HR courses. Developed with Cody Reeves and Erik Gonzalez-Mulé.
  3. I’ve contributed to Paul Bliese’s multilevel R package to facilitate simultaneous analysis of multiple level-1 variables in mixed effects random coefficient modeling.
  4. I’ve contributed to an instructor tool for managing course badge administration, which has successfully engaged students in an Introduction to Management course (Cody Reeves led this project).


  1. 2018 AOM Big Data Active Learning Workshop Slides
  2. 2018 AOM Big Data Active Learning Workshop Example & R Basics Scripts